Monday 10 August 2020

#10 Exhausted

Grief is exhausting. Remember to recharge

Already past week 14 but still have 2 or 3 more assignments yang belum submit. Sebab baru dapat and semua grouping. Submission on week 15 (this week) and week 16 (next week).*sigh* Week 14 pro and week 14 pro max, they said. ha ha ha gelak tak ikhlas. And ada subject yang belum buat quiz and test lagi. Sebab takde final diorang kata that's why assignments kena lebih sikit. Week pun kena la extend. ooooookay. no i'm okay. cuma penat. dah tak larat. cepat la habis semua ni . For me odl is fun tapi jangan lebih lebih :( Dah macam takde life dah ni. okay smile and sambung buat kerja. Bye. 

heyyoooo update.

muncul dah diaaaa baru je story mory tadi special betul quiz test week 14 pro max ni wish me luck


  1. be tough girl..i have gone thru this situation before.

  2. Good luck! Cik TK faham perasaan awak.. tapi.. inilah realiti kehidupan student, went through this before... Bila rasa betul2 penat, rilex sekejap. Lepas tu dengan tenang, susun semua task ikut priority/deadline.

    1. thank you cik tk! :) i did it and it works. bila susun elok elok tu baru rasa macam ok i can do this hahaha thankyou sm.

  3. fighting!! you can do this.
    love your blog. it's cute.

  4. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. Do your best and Good Luck Faz!

  5. ODL ni memang banyak ganggu mental. Far baru masuk degree tiba2 kena ODL haritu memang rasa depression teruk tapi Alhamdulillah settle dah sem 3. Apa2 pon, good luck in your study okiee! Done follow~

    1. Betul setuju sangat. Tak sabar nak habis odl ni hahaha btw thankyou :)

  6. Thankyou everyone for your kind words. Appreciate sangat sangat!
